Biała Pszczoła Ecological lubricant with food certificate - 1kg

639,75 zl PLN

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Atest: NSF H1 spożywczy do kontaktu z żywnością

Baza chemiczna: Syntetyczna PAO Polialfaolefina

Cechy szczególne: Dobra ochrona przed korozją, Dobra odporność na utlenianie, Dobra wodoodporność, Odporny na wysokie temperatury, Wydajność w dużych prędkościach, Wydajność w niskich prędkościach, Wydajność w niskich temperaturach, Wydajność w wysokich temperatur., Wysoka odporność na zużycie

Konsystencja NLGI: NLGI 2

Przemysł: Chemia i Petrochemia, Energetyczny, Konserwacja i Remonty, Konsumencki, Medycyna i farmacja

Skład Ciała Stałe: PTFE teflon

Wysoka temperatura: +201°C do 249°C

Zastosowanie: Chemiczne żrące środowisko, Papier i tektura, Pompy, Przekładnie i Koła zębate, Silniki elektryczne, Smarowanie gumy i elastomerów, Smarowanie tworzyw sztucznych, Wielozadaniowe, Łożyska toczne, Łożyska ślizgowe, Łożyska ślizgowe panewki tuleje

Lubricant White Bee - 1kg

Synthetic grease for food industry equipment with the addition of Teflon®, characterized by a very high viscosity.

Biała Pszczoła grease is an ecological plastic grease with a food certificate, biologically degradable (does not contain any toxic components).

* Approval of the Institute of Hygiene No. HZ/14586/95 for contact with food

The specialized Biała Pszczoła® lubricant guarantees protection against washing out, as it is resistant to cold and hot water and chemical media. It retains its viscosity and provides protection to the coated elements even at very high temperatures.

It can be used in all types of sliding and rolling friction nodes of food machinery and equipment operating in normal and difficult operating conditions.

Thanks to its excellent lubricating properties, high viscosity, mechanical stability, wide operating temperature range , and in particular antibacterial additives, it can be used to lubricate machines operating in the food processing industry, pharmaceutical industry and water treatment plants, but also in the power industry, chemical industry, agricultural machinery , laboratory, office and household devices.



  • friction nodes (bearings) of food machines
    • meat plants
    • poultry plants
    • fish processing plants
    • grain processing plants
    • fruit and vegetable processing plants
    • sugar factories
    • distilleries
    • pharmaceutical plants
    • water treatment plants
  • all types of fan bearings
  • pump bearings of all types
  • electric motor bearings
  • paper machine roll bearings
  • conveyor belt bearings
  • toothing of gears
  • gear couplings
  • as a preservative (anti-corrosion) for any machine elements

Features and benefits

  • extending the working period of the lubricant in the friction node between its successive replacements
  • minimizing or eliminating the need to lubricate the friction nodes
  • protection of the friction node against excessive wear
    • in case of frequent starts of the machine
    • with temporary sudden changes in load and/or temperature
    • in the case of excessive vibrations and shocks coming from the environment of the machine
  • excellent protection of structural elements of friction nodes against corrosion
  • excellent protection of structural elements against the influence of the surrounding environment in a wide range of pH values
  • excellent protection against washing out with water, syrups, beer and washing agents (detergents)
    • reduction of power losses necessary to overcome frictional resistance during machine operation
    • liquidation of threats to the environment and human health Ecological grease

      Basic operational parameters of Biała Pszczoła grease

      Color white, transparent
      Operating temperature range -23°C to +204°C
      Consistency class NLGI classification 2
      Oxidation resistance pressure drop after 100 hours heating at 100°C
      Mechanical stability rolling test - 4 hours without changes
      Anti-corrosion properties excellent
      Water resistance grease loss 0%
      kinematic viscosity at 38°C
      at 100°C

      The group of Ecological Lubricants includes:

      Green Bee
      White Bee
      Black Bee
      General purpose grease used for bearing arrangements operating at high loads and at elevated temperatures Fully synthetic food-grade grease for bearing nodes of food industry equipment operating at high temperatures and variable loads, resistant to water Grease for bearing arrangements operating under very heavy loads and at high temperatures

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